Adminul care mi-a dat ban: ? [cred ca MhTTn sau Missy]
Motiv: ?
data: 16.11.2009, pe la 13:25-13:30
Suplimentar, asta am in consola:
*** gaby killed o fata dulcik with a headshot from ak47 ***
epi killed Grebla|@|GoD with m249
PTB: Transfering VFL to the Ts
*** MhTTn killed ThS with a headshot from m4a1 ***
MhTTn killed gaby with m4a1
[Missy&Staff]Adminii si playerii sunt rugati sa se logeze pe site[] Adauga La Favorites:
*MORT*gaby : cod
*** epi killed MhTTn with a headshot from m249 ***
Sorinel (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*MORT*o fata dulcik : doar unu?
*MORT*o fata dulcik :
[Missy&Staff]Nu uitati sa adaugati serverul la favorite []
PTB: Round ended, checking teams.
*Ai omorat 4 la rand!
Kicked by Console: "banat permanent"
Kicked :
Cer motivarea adminului care mi-a dat ban, precum si dovada a as fi fost codat. In caz ca nu sunt dovezi pentru a dovedi,
cer a mi se scoate Banul, precum si sanctionarea adminului faptas.